Executive & Leadership Coaching
If you are a leader in your business or company you are well positioned to make a positive impact on people and the planet. You can also lead a prosperous and creative life, doing what you love, and living by your values.
Both leadership and business ownership often include significant uncertainty, overwhelm, and isolation. Organizational life has never been as complex, ambiguous, and fast paced as today.
Executive and Leadership Coaching provides a confidential thinking partner, accountability partner and strategist that is dedicated to your goals and professional growth.
Learn more about coaching overall.
I can help you:
Commit to the highest and most ambitious aspirations.
Engage in a process of unfettered self examination.
Gain an enlarged view of strengths and capabilities, blindspots and growth edges.
Redesign how time, attention and energy are invested.
Manage complex political or interpersonal exchanges successfully.
Make decisions, and take action that is in the best interest of everyone.
Take full responsibilities for the results created in life and leadership.
Access the capacity to bring all cognitive, emotional and physical abilities to bear on your goals.
Rediscover a joyful, creative self that is passionately committed to work, life and the wellbeing of others.
“Ana, your guidance and coaching over the last year has been life changing for me. I feel 1000% better about myself, my state of mind and my actions. My co-workers acknowledged a significant change – not that I’m different, but I’m more the good part of myself. At home my spouse and even my teenage children will say I’m so much more balanced, present and level-headed than I have been in a long time. The stress and demands of being an executive in this complex corporate system has taken a lot. Through the frameworks and approaches that you helped me adopt I am more resilient, I re-charge when I need to stay effective, and most importantly, I am happy!”
Senior Vice President, Corporate Executive
First-Generation Professionals
A first-generation professional refers to an individual who is the first in their family to attain a professional or advanced degree and pursue a career in a specific field. First-generation professionals break new ground without the guidance and networks of family members who have gone through similar experiences. These professionals must overcome significant barriers to establish themselves, and are often disproportionately affected by racism, sexism, classism, and elitism.
And yet, first-generation professionals are exceptionally well equipped for a thriving life and career. They can have high levels of aspiration, grit, emotional intelligence, and resourcefulness. They have a strong sense of internal control, values and vision. Immigrant first-generation professionals bring language skills and global networks; they are socially and culturally competent. All first-generation professionals have compelling life stories to continue to author.
These experiences are a unique constellation of challenges and opportunities that are best supported by someone who has been there themself. As an immigrant child of political war refugees, I have first-hand experience with the often invisible barriers, both self-created and inherited, that we first-generation professionals navigate in our personal and professional lives.
My coaching partnership will help professionals express authenticity, release imposter syndrome, reconnect to purpose, establish leadership presence, understand trauma, master communication, gain emotional intelligence, and employ a positive mindset to thrive. scription text goes here
Hands down, you are the single most important asset for your success. Through knowing yourself, especially your mindset and strengths, you can leverage your unique intelligence and innate capacities in the direction of your most important goals. Also important, is to know your blindspots, growth edges, and the parts of yourself you tend to avoid, which are likely interfering with your success.
Working with a personality and leadership assessment is a confidential way to gain insight and build confidence and authenticity. Likewise, when teams work with assessments, they significantly improve their relationships, effectiveness and performance.
Assessments I am experienced in delivering include:
Customized 360s - Process for measuring performance based on feedback from multiple people across a company or network.
DISC - A model used to describe management and leadership style, based on four personality traits: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).
StrengthsFinder - Allows individuals to gain insight on their strengths and leverage them to achieve personal and professional success. When applied to teams, it helps members delegate work in areas of each other’s strengths.
Positive Intelligence - Assesses the capacity to respond to challenges with a positive mindset rather than negative mindset.
Emotional Intelligence- Provides a snapshot of overall emotional functioning and control when in relationships and when responding to pressure.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) - indicates your personality preferences in four dimensions: where you focus your attention – Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) and the way you take in information – Sensing (S) or Intuition (N).
Psychological Safety - Identifies patterns and trends in how employees feel about taking risks and speaking up.
The Four Tendencies - Helps individuals better understand why they’re likely to act—or not to act—when trying to achieve goals or complete tasks.
Gene Keys - Provides a personalized map of your inner consciousness. It shows the archetypal patterns that block your innate intelligence and how to transform these patterns into gifts.Description text goes here
Do you have a confidential sounding board?
Do you take enough time to reflect and strategize?
“All leadership is self leadership. Self leadership is the essence of all individual, team and organizational peak performance.”